will be live tweeting the twits in the #GOPDebate beginning @ 4 pm PST. #foxbusinessdebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 10, 2015
hopes everyone in tonight's #GOPDebate has a position on the @Starbucks holiday cup. #foxbusinessdebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 10, 2015
#Christie has a story about a woman who is afraid she can't pay her bills. Sounds like #Congress. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#ChrisChristie wants to put a freeze on doing anything if he gets elected. That's the job of #Congress. #GOPDebate #Separationofpowers
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#ChrisChristie wants to prosecute #HillaryClinton. Is he blaming her for the #TollBridgeScandal? #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
Why answer their question when you can answer your own question? #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#RickSantorum wants the tax to be flat. I say it should be round, and I claim it for Queen Isabella of Spain! #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#MikeHuckabee wants a #FairTax. If I am elected, I will propose an #UnfairTax! #JamesTrippforPresident! #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#ChrisChristie's microphone was off and I could still hear him. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
Not only should #TheFed be audited, these candidates and their campaign committees should be audited. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
Take #MikeHuckabee's wife...please. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
"#POTUS doesn't stand behind the troops," says #RickSantorum. He's the #CommanderinChief. They better stand behind him. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#MikeHuckabee is taking campaign contributions from children. Can taking candy be far behind? #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#FrancisScottKey did not authorize the use of his song. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
"I knew #AbrahamLincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a friend of mine. There are no Abraham Lincoln's here. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
If #Trump has to pay his workers a living wage, it's bad for #America! #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#MarcoRubio: "Repeal and replace Obamacare." With what? #GOPDebate #Answersnotrhetoric
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#JebBush: "Repeal Everything!" Shakespeare for everyone! #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#BenCarson calling someone else a liar. Nice try, #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#BenCarson calling someone else a liar. Nice try, #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#TedCruz is "A son of" a what? #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#CarlyFiorina "#Obamacare has to be repealed because it's [working]." #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#RandPaul wants a government that doesn't work. He should stay in the #Senate. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#TedCruz wants the replace the #TaxCode with the #Bible. Amen! #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
The #Republicans keep quoting #HillaryClinton. They must respect her. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
"I Will have a 2 page tax code!" #JamesTrippforPresident! #GOPDebate #CarlyFiorina
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#DonaldTrump is talking about being imbalanced. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#FoxNewsBusiness was playing #RandPaul with music as if it were an awards show acceptance speech. #GOPDebate #ATouchofAss
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#DonaldTrump has #ForeignPolicy experience because he was on #60Minutes with #Putin, but does he know #KevinBacon? #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
Banks didn't get bigger because of regulation, they got bigger because of deregulation. #MarcoRubio is either lying or a #Rube. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#TedCruz has an answer to a question nobody asked. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#TedCruz has an answer to a question nobody asked. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
#BenCarson: "5 people died watching this debate." Several more fell asleep. #GOPDebate
— James Tripp (@thejamestripp) November 11, 2015
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