Thursday, September 22, 2011

Live Tweets From GOP Debate V

thejamestripp James Tripp
Tonight's debate will accept questions from Fox News' viewers which should be interesting because normally they don't question anything.

thejamestripp James Tripp
Orange is a conservative color to name your county in FL or CA.

The first question is from a job creator.

My debate: Google or Fox?

Details is a magazine wherein Rick Perry looks at the pictures.

Is this thing on?

Mitt Romney has 59 points when 58 would do.

Mitt wants us to have the same opportunities he had. I don't like lobbyists.

My money doesn't belong to Barack Obama; it was stolen by George Bush.

Rick Santorum is wearing a striped tie. Must have a new stylist.

Santorum doesn't think the government has to follow U.S. labor laws. Santorum doesn't think.

There's no danger in a future President raising taxes under Cain's 999 plan because it will never be law.

I can't wait to see what people watching the debate think of the people watching the debate watching the debate.

Mitt is upset that Perry is a Flip-Flopper. That's Mitt's job!

Rick and Mitt's staff read each other candidate's books.

"I believe in America." --Mitt "the Godfather"

I would eliminate the Congress Department.

Eliminate the EPA before they discover the GOP stinks

Newt likes to debate his questioners. Must be a fun Prof.

Let's stop teaching Evolution!

The less education the freer we think!

 Eliminate the Defense Department...I mean Education Department.

"The Mother of all repeal bills," starting with the Constitution.

"Local anesthesia for all my friends!"

I would build a fence around Michele Bachmann.

Illegal immigrants should be educated, but not so much that they vote for somebody else.

Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it...Frost

thejamestripp James Tripp
I'm debating which products to buy during the commercials.

"It is unacceptable for Iran to become a nuclear nation and I don't feel so good myself."

If you mess with Israel, you mess with the U.S. and the retired people in the Florida audience.

Newt wants to privatize diplomacy.

The world is in the process of becoming more dangerous if Newt is elected.

I think Gary Johnson wants to submit a balanced budget.

I think we should blockade Cuba!

Only Santorum can save Santorum.

"We should be able to express our faith" unless we're Muslim.

No hugging in the military.

Keep your sex to yourself, which is a sin.

Rich people aren't killed because they don't have health coverage.

"I erred on the side of my former chief-of-staff-turned-lobbyist." -Rick Perry

"It's different than Obamacare." It's Romneycare.

"There are a lot of reasons not to elect me." Mitt Romney

Glad to be part of the human tragedy!

Let's lower the tax rates and raise the debt!

Finally somebody brings up Reagan!

"Where else but in America could you live in this country?"

Gary Johnson wants to balance the budget.

I would pick the guy who could get me free pizza.

Rick Perry is advocating an unnatural act between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.

Nobody is answering the question except Gary Johnson who wants to balance the budget.

thejamestripp James Tripp
I'm going to Google Google.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Live Tweets From GOP Debate IV

I missed the first part of tonight’s debate. Here’s the rest:

thejamestripp James Tripp
I am a great American Tragedy.

America needs to wean itself off of its heroin like addiction to oil and its addiction to heroin.

Rick Perry smiles like someone who is just about to screw you.

Bachmann described Bush's out of control spending, adopting the "run against Bush" strategy that worked for Obama.

Obama doesn't have a smart phone, he has a blackberry.

Huntsman is using the royal "we."He must be running for King.

My Smartphone is not taking quarters.

Do people in the audience get a door prize?

We should audit Rick Santorum's rational for running.

A zero corporate tax rate is too high. We should give corporations tax refunds and lollipops!

We should get rid of the fed and let me print the money.

Is Rick Perry using the Fed for political purposes?
thejamestripp James Tripp
I would put Elvis Presley on the dollar bill.

Newt works for Fox and doesn't like GE, which owns MSNBC.

Newt is cheerfully opposed to getting out of a race he can't win.

Romney made an actual proposal.

If Rick Perry had it to do over again, he wouldn't have been influenced by that lobbyist.

Rick Perry will use an executive order to nullify the constitution. At least it's efficient.

Rick Perry needs a Scooby snack.

Rick Perry is offended that Bachmann thinks he could be bought for $5,000. He could be bought for $10,000.

Health care reforms---stop eating so much pizza.

Romney says Obama cut Medicare. Will he restore the cut?

Obama is post dating checks? I thought only I did that.

I hope the commercials are better than the debate.

Reason #27 to applaud: My uninsured neighbor is sick and may die.

We should close all the Borders and shop online.

This audience doesn't like education. Surprising.

If illegal immigrants are breaking the law, how did liberals pass laws that created illegal immigration, 

Mitt, they didn't come for a handout, but they're still voting for Democrats.

"EPA Gone Wild" is my favorite DVD!

This audience could have used a warm-up act.

Wolf is such a tease going into commercial.

Rick Perry is bringing his wife. I prefer the horse shoes.

Bachmann would bring the constitution and the Bill of Rights to the White House. The Bill of rights is part of the constitution.

thejamestripp James Tripp
is off to watch a coma patient expire. He should have been insured.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Live Tweets of President Barack Obama's Address To Congress

thejamestripp James Tripp
is live tweeting the President's address to Congress.

Boehner borrowed Rick Santorum's pink tie.

Congress seems to get along with the President's cabinet.

I don't recognize a lot of Congressmen unless they're standing with a lobbyist.

Boehner's applause does not seem sincere.

Obama doesn't care about politics, just getting re-elected.

Congress is finally doing something about the economy; they are applauding doing something about the economy!

Mitch McConnell looks sad.

How come only half of the house is giving a standing O to O?

Obama keeps talking about passing a jobs bill as if it’s a joint someone is bogarting.

I've heard this Warren Buffet story before.

I believe the tax should be flat and I claim it for Queen Isabella of Spain!

"We have to decide what our priorities are." Fundraising for re-election.

He hasn't said, "Pass this bill" in a while. Is that part over?

All the men in the room look like they're wearing the same suit.

If Obama wants to sell more cars overseas, he'd better raise emission standards.

We're not #1?

Regulations are for the regulators!

I've identified 501 reforms.

You mean we're not going to wipe out the New Deal?

Obama is playing the "Race to the Bottom" card.

Obama is talking about a Republican who looked to the future...November.

Steve Case is in the House. Thanks for reminding me I'm unemployed and I lost money on AOL.

Will he close with "Pass the bill?"

"Man can be as big as he wants!" especially in the aisles of Wal-Mart.

thejamestripp James Tripp
My guess is Congress won't "Pass the jobs bill now."

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Live Tweets from GOP Debate III

Tonight’s GOP Debate was held at the Reagan Library. All hail!

thejamestripp James Tripp
is praying for the candidates in tonight's debate to the wrong God.

September 7, 2011, 8 pm PST
thejamestripp James Tripp
I've been unemployed for so long now, I have to put it on my resume.

Rick Perry still blow dries his hair.

Mitt Romney says he will restructure the economy but he doesn't say how. Elect Obama.

My father created more jobs than Mitt Romney or Rick Perry's father.

Rick Santorum is still running?

If 10 % is good for god and 9 % is good for government, then 119% is good for me.

Huntsman's coach told him to use his hands.

Is there nothing Obamacare doesn't kill? Michele Bachmann?

Newt wins the first to invoke "Reagan" Prize.

Mitt Romney the Presidential candidate would not have voted for Mitt Romney the Gov candidate.

Newt doesn't want to debate.

Newt is debating with the moderator, which he also did in the last debate.

Cain wants to repeal Hilarycare! Me too!

The GOP panel doesn't look so good. I hope they have health insurance.

1 in 7 people are poor but 1 in 100 is rich.

Who will be the first to say "job creators?"

Mitt Romney won't promise lower gas prices, but he will promise "No homework on Fridays."

Pink is Rick Santorum’s color.

Reagan's message = good. Actual Results = Not so Good. Ron Paul

The commentators have the same stylist as the candidates.

Ronald Reagan is still dead.

Nancy just said, "No" to all the GOP candidates.

Cain doesn't know how SS works. The young pay for the old. They can't also pay for themselves.

7 brides for 7 brothers.

thejamestripp James Tripp
Would you rather be touched inappropriately by an airline or the TSA?

I hope Ron Paul lets me keep my air conditioner.

Rick Perry favors education as long as people aren't so educated that they vote for somebody else.

Mitt Romney is on the fence about immigration.

We can't give amnesty to immigrants; we have to give it to bankers!

Newt says he is with Reagan. Do tell?

We should make English the official language of the GOP.

Why are they still talking about illegal immigration? There are no jobs in the USA!

Something there is about the GOP that doesn't like Robert Frost's "Mending Wall."

"If President Reagan were here, [he'd be a corpse.]"

There are a lot of commercials whose products I'm not buying either.

Mitt Romney has a plan with points. What's the plan and what's the point?

"Until you get a balanced budget amendment I won't have to balance the budget." Perry

Michele Bachmann wouldn't debate Reagan if he was in the debate.

Mitt Romney has an outline!

Eyes on the Nuclear Iran Prize! MB

Why does Rick Santorum look constipated?

I would have liked to see Ronald Reagan melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.

This GOP panel is not evolving.

"Galileo got outvoted for a spell"---but then he didn't. RP

The Science is not settled on the damage corporations are doing to this country.

Isn't this about the time Newt Gingrich is usually indicted?

Mitt Romney says the people most hurt by Obama are the middle class. Luckily, there's no middle class.

I think Rick Perry wants to execute Brian Williams.

I hope the candidates take out a book while they're at the library.