Thursday, September 08, 2011

Live Tweets of President Barack Obama's Address To Congress

thejamestripp James Tripp
is live tweeting the President's address to Congress.

Boehner borrowed Rick Santorum's pink tie.

Congress seems to get along with the President's cabinet.

I don't recognize a lot of Congressmen unless they're standing with a lobbyist.

Boehner's applause does not seem sincere.

Obama doesn't care about politics, just getting re-elected.

Congress is finally doing something about the economy; they are applauding doing something about the economy!

Mitch McConnell looks sad.

How come only half of the house is giving a standing O to O?

Obama keeps talking about passing a jobs bill as if it’s a joint someone is bogarting.

I've heard this Warren Buffet story before.

I believe the tax should be flat and I claim it for Queen Isabella of Spain!

"We have to decide what our priorities are." Fundraising for re-election.

He hasn't said, "Pass this bill" in a while. Is that part over?

All the men in the room look like they're wearing the same suit.

If Obama wants to sell more cars overseas, he'd better raise emission standards.

We're not #1?

Regulations are for the regulators!

I've identified 501 reforms.

You mean we're not going to wipe out the New Deal?

Obama is playing the "Race to the Bottom" card.

Obama is talking about a Republican who looked to the future...November.

Steve Case is in the House. Thanks for reminding me I'm unemployed and I lost money on AOL.

Will he close with "Pass the bill?"

"Man can be as big as he wants!" especially in the aisles of Wal-Mart.

thejamestripp James Tripp
My guess is Congress won't "Pass the jobs bill now."

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