Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Live Tweets From The Democratic Convention - Night 2

This would be a good time for former AG #JohnAshcroft to sing "Let the eagles soar!"

The #DNC speakers aren't afraid to talk about their candidate. I'm still waiting to learn who was nominated by #RNC.

This sermon makes me think they'll soon be passing the collection plate.

#Teachers are union thugs!

A #Cartoon so even the #RNC can understand.

#BarbaraMikulski looks like she could kick #PaulRyan's ass.

#GOP thinks people should be educated, but they shouldn't be so educated that they vote for somebody else.

had a #PellGrant in college.

#DNC looks like #America in 2012. #RNC looks like #USA in 1950.

If there's a politician who doesn't say, "God Bless America," #God bless him.

Out of focus background behind #Hickenlooper looks like a #VanGogh.

#MittRomney turned me into a newt!

wishes the people who were against birth control would use it.

Just because #RNC made God a delegate to their convention, doesn't mean the #DNC should imitate.

Godspeed, #ElizabethWarren.

#DNC nominates #God for President, makes  

#BarackObama capital of #Israel.

Roxanne, you don't have to put on that #bluedress. #BillClinton

#PresClinton knows about burning sensation.

I didn't know there would be math.

I think #BillClinton is about to announce he's running.

"Four more years" for who? #BillClinton


#BillClinton is in his element. Bet he does an encore.

#BillClinton is schooling the #RNC.

wishes #Congress knew as much as #BillClinton.

#BillClinton II--"This time it's personal."

#BillClinton is trying to beat his previous record for longest speech at a #DemocraticConvention.

#BillClinton is calling the #RNC on all their shit.

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