Thursday, September 06, 2012

Live Tweets From The Democratic Convention - Night 3

The #DNC has a better talent booker than the #RNC.

Get ready for #ClintEastwood to yell at his television.

Anyone else notice the #Dems are inspirational and the #GOP full of gloom?

#JoeBiden is doing his #JohnBoehner impersonation.

I'd listen to #ScarlettJohansson even if she was talking to an #emptychair.

is glad he didn't play the #Kennedy drinking game.

#JohnKerry is a flip calling a flopper.

#DNC has more statesmen than #RNC.

Chants of #USA. The #Democrats are in the same place as the #Republicans were last week.

I get the feeling #JillBiden would have given me detention.

It's #ChrisChristie's favorite singer. #BruceSpringsteen

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