thejamestripp James Tripp
will be
live tweeting tonight's Republican debate beginning at 6 pm PST and rooting for
thejamestripp James Tripp
Will be
live tweeting the twits starting at 6 pm PST.
thejamestripp James Tripp
And then
there were six they let into the debates...
because we can tweet our opinions, doesn't mean that corporations won't control
the results of this election.
Being a CEO is not being a CEO.
I wish I
had the experience of working in the real economy, but I can't get a job.
I think we
should elect Romney and let him break up the United States and sell off the 50
darn good" is pretty strong language, Rick.
I forgot
Perry was still in this race.
to Santorum, the government drinks Tab.
The word
Gobbeldygook is not used enough in debates.
Obama's Foreign Policy is like thinking Romney can be President.
thejamestripp James Tripp
I hate
when our country's freedom is put in jeopardy.
Newt is
promising pork for NH. Leave that to their reps.
can I defend something I didn't write with something I'm not saying?"
I would
like to mandate that Rick Santorum use contraception.
George S.
is winning the debate.
wants Justices to legislate.
"real viewers" incorporated?
I'd like
to see the candidates marry each other.
did a follow up question that did not follow the answer. Not good on his feet.
War on
religion! We start bombing at 5 o'clock!
is correct [about Afghanistan].
thejamestripp James Tripp
Rick Perry
should go back to Texas.
defeated the Soviet Empire!
How are
these heroes going to pay for an increase in troops?
lead to war." Tell that to Japan in 1941.
This panel
is kind of gay without Michele Bachmann.
wants to get America working again by re-invading Iraq!
We can get
Halliburton working again!
have to open up American markets in Chinese neighborhoods."
I don't
speak Chinese, but if I did, that's not what I'd say.
thejamestripp James Tripp
is the proud great grandson of
Irish-American immigrants, who came to this country when they couldn't grow any
more potatoes for their still
Debate ended early. Did they run out
of questions or answers?
thejamestripp James Tripp
I didn't
know this was a debate of pundits!
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