Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Live Tweets from the State of the Union

January 24, 2012, 3:54 pm PST James Tripp @thejamestripp will be live tweeting the State of the Union tonight beginning at 6 pm PST. Meanwhile, check out this DVD extra:

is hoping the #GOP side acts like a #GOPDebate audience.

Hail to the tweets

It looks like John Kerry was Swift Boated again.

I'll bet if #NewtGingrich was hugging Congresswoman #Giffords, he'd leave her.

Republicans unsure if they should applaud America.

Obama should run for President.

When Obama asked everyone to work together, only one side was applauding.

The #GOP like the rules the way they are.

#Obama put in place new rules the #GOP want to repeal.

I helped bail out #GM and I don't even own a car.

"The American #Auto industry is back!" Cough! Hack!
doesn't know if it's a good thing that a lock maker is working at full capacity.

What kind of tax cut should a comedian get?

Can you [Obama] sign my tax form?

I will go to any market and not find any American products.

Our workers are the most productive in the world as long as I can leave early on Friday.

Obama was supposed to point at me in the chamber, but there was no point.

If this was a #GOPDebate, when #Obama said, "Lay off teachers..." there would have been applause.

Some members of the #House should be sent back to #school.

"Boots on the Border" sounds like a #Porn movie.

#Obama is playing the "Race for the Future" card.

Oil isn't enough. I want more, more, more!

The gas in the chamber could last 200 years.

How will the #oil industry survive without tax credits?

Send #Obama a bill that creates a job for me.

Does #TomPetty know #Obama won't back down?

#GOP sees #PayrollTaxCut as bargaining chip for #Keystone.

"Fair share of taxes?" #MittRomney is covering his ears.

#WarrenBuffet ’s secretary pays more taxes than me. She has a job.

Is #ChrisDodd listening?
January 24, 2012, 7:02 PST James Tripp @thejamestripp
Finally "Finally."

The #2012 campaign is off and running.

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