Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Live Tweets from the 2012 Presidential Debates - Part 1

In preparation for next week’s debate on domestic issues, #Romney made sure social security payments for his household servants are current.

is looking forward to the debate between candidate #MittRomney for President vs. candidate Mitt Romney for Governor. #2012Debates

is drinking Red Zingers in preparation for tonight's #debate.

will be looking for #zingers.

will drink every time #MittRomney scores with a #zinger.

will tweet about tweets about the #debate.

will fact check #JimLehrer.

Red and blue ties. I get it.

Obama gets first #zinger.

Who is reading #debate tweets when everyone is #tweeting?

#Romney has his first zinger. Got bigger laugh than #Obama's.

I want #MittRomney at my 20th anniversary.

47 training programs? #Romney likes that number.

Under #Romney, government land = land for corporations.

There are no small businesses, only small business owners.

"I'm glad you asked that question, but I wish you would ask another." #Romney

#Romney wants to defund the moderator.

#Obama is debating #Romney from another #debate.

#Romney just said the economy is growing.

Revenue? Revenschmoo.

will not get a corporate jet if tax break is eliminated.

This #debate could use a streaker.

#Romney believes in profits from #privatization.

#Regulation is fine as long as there are replacement regulators. #Romney

#Romney is better at memorizing lists than #RickPerry.

"The genius of America is...freedom" is going in my act. #Obama

"You're not entitled to your own facts" is a #zinger? I'm not drinking. #Romney

That smile on #Romney's face makes me wonder what material his magic underwear is made of.

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