Monday, October 22, 2012

Live Tweets from the 2012 Presidential Debates - Part 3

Will #BobSchieffer win the #debate?

#Threat from a broad? That's a question for #MittRomney!

#MittRomney will send a #mormonmission to Iran.

#Syria is worth more broken up! #Romney

#Romney has a policy for the future he will tell you about in the #future.

"Our 4th graders came out number C." #Romney

"Obama sank #Romney's #Battleship.

If #Israel is under attack, #Mitt got yo back. Word to yo motha.

#Obama is on the verge of calling #Romney an ignorant slut.

This is the #debate of the Smiley Face vs. the Serious Face.

"On Day 1, I will name it Day 2!" #JamesTrippforPresident

He's a son of a...what? #Romney

#Mitt called the audience "Folks" because he's #folksy.

#Mitt would like to be your leader with your support and the support of his magic underwear.

Part Tagg and Obama! They are incensed!
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