Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Live Tweets from the 2012 Presidential Debates - Part 2

October 16, 2012, 6:05 pm PST James Tripp ‏@thejamestripp

#Romney isn't answering the question.

#Obama is answering the question.

#Romney has a 5 point plan? What's on of those points?

First instance of #Obama calling #Romney a liar. He has a new strategy.

#Romney won't be able to steal time tonight.

#Romney wants to privatize federal lands.

#Romney's not answering #Obama's charge that he flip-flopped on coal.

#Romney sounds like an Oil and Gas lobbyist.

Unsure of 5 point plan. Would prefer 9-9-9.

I think #Romney is about to pull a #JoeBiden.

Stifle, #Romney.

"Women's pay equity is an important topic, but not to me." #Romney

This #debate is being directed with fewer close ups than previous debate.

"My five point plan has six points:" https://www.facebook.com/jamestrippforpresident …

#Romney's answering a question!

#Romney's talking point is wrong and he's not backing down.

#Obama saved his 47% comment for his closer.

#Obama won the #debate and pulled ahead.

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