Thursday, October 11, 2012

Live Tweets from the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate

October 11, 2012, 5:54 pm PST James Tripp ‏@thejamestripp

The #tweeters are on the twack.

Is this #CharlieRose or a #VPDebate?

My #FlagPin is bigger than their flag pins.

#Ryan's smile is even more uncomfortable than #Romney's.

#Biden is schooling #theBoy.

wonders if his act could get as many laughs from #Biden as #Ryan's answers,

#Ryan is barely limping along.

It's a good thing the hospital had an emergency room.

#Ryan drops first #Zinger. He needs to take my Comedy Class.

"...suddenly seized with concern for the debt they created." Good one, #Joe.

#KarlRove's head is exploding. Good.

#PaulRyan is getting his ass kicked. He needs to go back to the gym.

If #JoeBiden is in the audience, I'm booking #PaulRyan to headline a night of #Comedy.

#JoeBiden's face stole #RonaldReagan's line, "There you go again!"

#Biden: "Now you're Jack Kennedy." That #joke always works.

#Biden is going to give #Ryan detention.

If this #debate were a prison, #PaulRyan would be #JoeBiden's bitch.

#JoeBiden continues to shoot a dead horse. #PaulRyan

#PaulRyan doesn't understand the function of the courts.

Honesty? From #PaulRyan? Bad answer.

#PaulRyan must need to pee.

#PaulRyan would be a good student government vice president.
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